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75016 Book - Fall of Iron

75016 Book - Fall of Iron
75016 Book - Fall of Iron
Kétmotoros bombázók bemutatója a 2.vh harcmezein,többek között a B-25 Mitchell részletes bemutatója
9 424 Ft 
4 712 Ft
Kezdete: 2024.09.22   A készlet erejéig!
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 471 Ft
Angol nyelvű segédlet figurák és járművek festéséhez.

The publication examines some of the twin-engined medium bombers of World War Two and includes a selection of profiles by Richard Mason, as well as a ground-breaking piece of research on the early B-25 Mitchell by Brian Derbyshire that offers an incisive look into the business of wartime mass-production and the vast number of changes to the ensuing airframes brought about as a result of ongoing combat experience. Other aircraft covered include the rarely discussed Tupolev SB-2, the Mitsubishi G4M Betty, Bristol Blenheim, Savoia-Marchetti SM.79, Petylyakov Pe-2 and the Handley Page Hampden.
Number of pages: 90
Format: A4
Language: English
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