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Blood Bowl: Chaos Chosen Team

Blood Bowl: Chaos Chosen Team
Blood Bowl: Chaos Chosen Team
12 db több részből álló műanyag figura Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl csapathoz.
15 675 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 1 568 Ft

Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.

The exact identity of the owner of the Doom Lords is unknown – he is referred to commonly as ‘The Overfiend’. When establishing his team, the Overfiend cut no corners. He hired the best coach money could buy and equipped him with the best assistants, entered into numerous dark pacts with various daemonic entities and searched long and hard for the best players who could be coerced into joining him. Those who refused soon learned that the Overfiend has a very literal interpretation of the term ‘headhunting’... 

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components needed to assemble The Doom Lords, a Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team. The team consists of 4 Chaos Blockers and 8 Beastmen – each Beastman’s head is interchangeable, meaning your team can represent a unique fielding of horned aberrations! The Blockers’ heads are interchangeable amongst themselves, too. 

There are a host of extras in the kit – 2 turn markers, 2 double-sided score coins in the shape of Chaos stars and 6 balls – 2 each of a flaming ball, a skull ball and another skull ball, these lacking pegs. Supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases, a 1,000,000 GP roster and an Chaos transfer sheet.

Chaos Chosen
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