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Blood Bowl: Snotling Team

Blood Bowl: Snotling Team
Blood Bowl: Snotling Team
Blood Bowl: Snotling Team
Blood Bowl: Snotling Team
Blood Bowl: Snotling Team
20 db több részből álló műanyag figura Snotling Blood Bowl csapathoz.
15 675 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 1 568 Ft

Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.

Snotlings have long admired the game of Blood Bowl from the sidelines, but rarely have they taken to the pitch for… obvious reasons. Well all that’s about to change, as the “Mighty” Crud Creek Nosepickers have blasted down the barriers to bravely (or foolishly) pave the way for their diminutive kin. They're ready to flood the gridiron with a squirming, stinking wave of pint-sized players, along with all the zany contraptions and silly tricks they could dream up in their mushroom-addled brains.

While Snotlings may make Halfling teams look downright athletic, and Goblins seem burly in comparison, what these little blighters have in spades is, well, lots more of themselves! They're so small and energetic, the refs can never keep count of how many are on the field at once! Their numerical advantage, combined with a willingness to bend and break the rules, makes them very unpredictable indeed. In short, Snotlings are all about the sort of wild shenanigans that make Blood Bowl an absolute pleasure to play. Not only are they fun, but they have some devious tricks that can actually win a game from time to time, quite literally keeping your opponent on their toes.

This multipart plastic kit contains all the components you'll need to build the Crud Creek Nosepickers, a Snotling team for use in games of Blood Bowl, containing 12 Snotlings, 2 Snotling Fungus Flingas, 2 Snotling Fun-Hoppas, 2 Snotling Stilty Runnas, and 2 Snotling Pump Wagons! You'll also find 2 turn counters, 2 coins, 4 Snotling-themed balls, 20x 25mm bases, and 2x 32mm bases with holes.

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