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Blood Bowl Treeman

Blood Bowl Treeman
Blood Bowl Treeman

Egy, több darabból álló, műanyag Big Guy Blood Bowl játékhoz. Megjelenés 2020 november 27.

9 738 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 974 Ft
Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.

Treemen have become a fixture of modern Blood Bowl, playing for a variety of teams. They hold down the Line of Scrimmage as the ultimate defensive players, adding staying power to some of the squishier teams like Halflings and Wood Elves.

This fantastic kit will build one of two different types of Treemen. The Altern Forest version blends in nicely with your Halflings (including the infamous Akhorne the Squirrel), while the Loren Forest Treeman features an ornate face mask that looks right at home in a Wood Elf team. Their slow speed is balanced by high strength and resilience, both sorely needed on those teams…

This plastic model is supplied in 13 components, including a 40mm round base. Treemen are available to play for Wood Elf, Halfling, and Old World Alliance teams. You can find all the rules you need to use them in your games of Blood Bowl in the Second Season Official Rules.

Wood Elf, Halfling