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TOP termékek

Gitslayer (PB)

Gitslayer (PB)
Gitslayer (PB)
Angol regény a Warhammer Age of Sigmar világából.
4 170 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 417 Ft

Fantasy és sci-fi irodalom

Gotrek, the greatest Slayer of all time, continues his hunt in the Mortal Realms as he pursues the mad greenskins of the Gloomspite Gitz. As the Bad Moon rises, he descends into the heart of Skragrott the Loonking's twisted, fungal empire in pursuit of vengeance.

Hell-bent on ridding himself of the Fyreslayer rune buried in his chest, Gotrek Gurnisson, the greatest Slayer to ever live, travels deep into the strange, alchemical realm of Chamon. Using their mysterious aether-science, the Kharadron Overlords of Barak-Urbaz offer an end to Gotrek's quest. But, as the Bad Moon rises and murderous Gloomspite Gitz threaten to destroy the sky-port, Gotrek pits himself against the most ancient enemy of his people – the greenskins. While his aelven travelling companion, Maleneth Witchblade, struggles to keep him alive, Gotrek throws himself headlong into a bloody battle for survival that will take him into the dank, fungal heart of Skragrott's Asylum.

Black Library
352 oldal