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Moonclan Stabbas / Shootas

Moonclan Stabbas / Shootas
Moonclan Stabbas / Shootas
20 db, több részből álló műanyag figura Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz sereghez. A dobozból a két egység egyikét lehet megépíteni.
12 760 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 1 276 Ft
Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.

Moonclan Stabbas form ragged ranks that advance upon the foe with gongs clanging and banners waving. Eyes bulging with the madness of the Gloomspite, they pour over the enemy lines and stab wildly at everything in their path.

Stabbas are the core unit for many Gloomspite Gitz army, thanks to their ability to overwhelm foes with vast numbers. You’ll find them great for capturing objectives or shielding the squishier elements of your army – or for concealing some well-placed Loonsmasha Fanatics..

Moonclan Shootas gather in sizeable skulkmobs that rain black-fletched arrows upon the enemy. They pincushion their victims with sheer weight of fire, before surrounding any survivors and stabbing them viciously to death.

This 20-figure set lets you build a unit of Shootas – the mainline ranged unit of the Gloomspite Gitz army. You'll find these guys fantastic for holding objectives, wearing down enemies through sheer weight of attacks and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

Inside the set, you’ll find enough stabbas, pokin’ spears and Moon Shields to build a unit of Stabbas, or enough Moonclan bows and slittas to build a unit of Shootas. You’ll also find a choice of Icon Bearers, a Gong Basher, 2 barbed nets and a special stabba for denoting the unit’s Moonclan Boss.

This kit is supplied in 111 Components and contains 20 x 25mm round bases.

Gloomspite Gitz