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Saif Traders Coliseum

Saif Traders Coliseum
Saif Traders Coliseum
Neoprén játékszőnyeg Aristeia! játékhoz.
8 035 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 804 Ft

New official design of the HexaDome in a neoprene format - much easier for transportation!
The Saif Traders Coliseum is the HexaDome where the battles of Aristeia! are held in the city of Saif, caliphate of Al-Medinat (one of the regions of the planet Bourak). Al-Medinat is home to Haqqislam's powerful medical, biotechnology, and pharmacological industry - so it is common for this HexaDome to be the setting where biosanitary corporations present their champions and set up new medical or military personnel. The most recent case is that of Aleasara Laboratories and the stars Bachmann and Hammerhead.
The Saif Traders Coliseum is an official and fully compatible HexaDome, designed with a new arrangement of the Blocked Boxes with respect to the Praesidio Corregidor Arena, offering new challenges to players in both the deployment of their teams as in the development of scenarios.
