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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Paints + Tools Set

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Paints + Tools Set
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Paints + Tools Set
Két szerszámot, egy ecsetet és 13 db festéket tartalmazó készlet Warhammer Age of Sigmar figurák összerakásához és festéséhez.
12 760 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 1 276 Ft

Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái - műanyag.

Building and painting models is a fun and exciting way to engage with the hobby, and it gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started, and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your hobby toolkit.

This set contains a pair of comfortable clippers to remove your models from the frame, a mouldline scraper to help prepare them for paint, and a starter brush that’s just the right size to get the basics painted.

Inside you’ll find 13 paints in 12ml pots, including the essential colours needed to paint your Stormcast Eternals from the Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost, and Kruleboyz of the Orruk Warclans, plus a Technical paint for your bases.

1x Corax White
1x Abaddon Black
1x Averland Sunset
1x Leadbelcher
1x Kantor Blue
1x Mephiston Red
1x Rhinox Hide
1x Retributor Armour
1x Orruk Flesh
1x Bugman's Glow
1x Steel Legion Drab
1x Stirland Mud
1x Agrax Earthshade

This box also includes the following tools:

- 1x Citadel Starter Brush
- 1x Citadel Starter Set Clippers
- 1x Mouldline Scraper
